Keyword Research and Analysis
Using different types of keywords at each stage of marketing is important to drive more sales to your business. So let’s check out the different kinds of SEO keywords.
Why Do We Need More Keyword?
This may be a question that arises in your mind when you see something like “Keyword research” or “Keyword analysis”. But in SEO keyword is something that has more significance than you think. The better you can find out the relevant keywords, the more close you reach your potential audience.
A keyword can be a word or phrase that is used as a query to find information on a search engine. According to the various features keywords can be classified into different categories such as longtail keywords, regional long-tail keywords, LSI keywords, and more.
What is Keyword Research?
Keyword research is a fundamental SEO process which includes discovering most used words or query by people on the search engine. The main advantage of keyword research is when you know what your target audience is looking for, you can easily focus the content for your product or service around those topics.
Keyword research is not just about identifying the number of searches on a particular keyword, it is more about discovering the different ways in which people use the word to find out what they are looking for. Doing research on keywords helps marketers to understand the high demand for particular keywords and how hard is to compete with others if they choose those keywords.
What is Keyword Analysis?
A keyword analysis is a method used to analyze the set of keywords or phrases obtained as a result of keyword research and narrow down those relevant keywords that can bring users to the website through organic or paid search. A keyword analysis is the best way to improve conversions and optimize the spend by choosing relevant keywords.
Is Keyword Research Important?
There are around 3.77 billion people around, and the best way to reach out to this enormous number of people is through the internet. If you know how to make your content available to them, then you can seamlessly connect to this massive number of people. Keyword shows what your brand is all about. Keyword research is not just for SEO, it the base for all other digital marketing methods also. Through such research, you can also find where your organic traffic comes from.
The benefits offered by keyword research are also very helpful for businesses in the long run. It has the potential to bring traffic, both organic and paid. You can also reduce wastage of time and money on the keyword which has high competition. With more traffic, more engagement will be and leads to more sales. You can also find out the best keywords which help you rank higher on the search engine results page because it is almost impossible to rank better on every keyword. It also has the potential to identify your true competitors.
How Often Can I do Keyword Research?
Keyword research is not a one-time process. The building block of every website is the keyword. So frequent examination and evaluation of the strength and relevance of keywords are important. Depends on the growing needs of customers and frequent search engine updation on an algorithm, so keyword research is a must-do factor whenever updating the content. Whenever you change the website content or posting a blog, a better understanding of the position of keywords, the click through rate, and SEO difficulty is important.
Whether you are planning to do paid promotions, checking the paid difficulty of the focused keywords helps you to make better decisions and save money. By regularly assessing the pattern of search by people will help in identifying the most popular and specific searches within your niche market.
What are the Different Types of Keywords?
Using different types of keywords at each stage of marketing is important to drive more sales to your business. So let’s check out the different kinds of SEO keywords.
Short-tail Keyword
Like the name says, short-tail keywords are short keywords having not more than three words. Short-tail keywords have high search volume, more competition, and hence low conversion rates. It is quite difficult to rank high on such keywords, but if you have one, then give yourself a pat on the back.
Long-tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords have words of more than three and they have more specific characters. These keywords have less search volume when comparing with short-tail keywords but have less competition and high conversion rates. Hence it has a significant role in all marketing methods. They are highly used in product-specific and blog post pages.
Evergreen Keywords
Evergreen keywords have the same relevance all the time. The search volume for such keywords and never show many fluctuations. It will have specific features and medium competition with high conversion rates.
Product-specific Keywords
These keywords explain and describe products. Usually, they have low search volume, because most people use such keywords with an actual intention for purchase, and hence it has high conversion rates.
Regional Keywords
Regional keywords use specific locations or areas. These keywords are mostly used in local SEO. The conversion rate for these keywords is high because of low competition.
LSI Keywords
LSI keywords or Latent Semantic Indexing keywords are similar to that of the main keywords. They had the capability to boost the rank of the main keywords. They are commonly used in content creations. LSI keywords have low search volume, comparatively low competition, and high conversion rates.
How to Do Keyword Research?
Most probably this will be the next question that arises in your mind. All keyword research starts from a seed keyword or head keyword. This seed can be obtained from in-depth market knowledge, advanced technology, current updations, and more. Once you have all these things right, then you are ready to start.
But with the hassle schedule of your business, do you have enough time for this?
This is where a digital marketing or SEO agency became a savior. With a trustworthy organization like NV Digital Marketing, you can accomplish all your business goals with a limited time frame.
Why Use Our Keyword Research Service for Your Business?
With our comprehensive knowledge and proven track record, you can trust us with all the aspects regarding the marketing process. Depends on your product or service and the domain we will provide resilient solutions which help you in a long run. Out keyword research methods have possess the ability to drive more quality traffic to your website. With the finest selection of relevant long-tail keywords, we focused to generate more conversion rates.
Choosing the most relevant keyword is an important part where we make sure your money, time, and efforts are not going fruitless. This is something that NV Digital Marketing is focused on.
How Our Keyword Research Method Works?
Demographics of the potential audience
The selection of keywords starts from the core understanding of the demographics of your target audience. Their buying pattern, behavior, and queries they search on help in listing down the relevant keywords. For this purpose, we use our comprehensive knowledge about the niche market and advanced tools.
Competitive keyword research
Most people go for high-volume keywords and end up in high competition. But our approach is different, we are not just focused on high volume keywords, it is more about getting high conversion rates, and that’s why we prefer quality over quantity. By giving attention to a high conversion rate and less competition, we managed to select relevant keywords that perfectly suit your budget.
Long-tail keywords
In most cases, we prefer long-tail keywords because of their specific features. By choosing long-tail keywords with regional relevance helps in driving business even from your locality.
The use of relevant keywords is a must-follow factor that we always remember. We ensure all the selected keywords are relevant to your domain and have the capability to bring sales.
Local SEO keyword research
Local SEO is important for driving potential customers from your nearest locations. Select keywords based on such needs help in boosting local SEO.
How Does Our Keyword Analysis Method Work?
In keyword analysis, we follow three methods.
After the successful completion of keyword research, start the process of keyword analysis. Our team brainstorm the list of available keywords based on their search volume, competition rate, conversion rate, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and more. Then find out the most suitable keyword with the right features as the focused keyword or the primary keyword. Following this secondary keyword and profitable keywords are selected according to the features they possess. This part is highly necessary while doing investment in keywords in paid promotions.
After selecting the primary, secondary and profitable keywords it is necessary to check the functionality of these keywords. For this purpose we use both free and paid tools like Google Adwords keyword tool, Ubersuggest and more to find out how effectively they can attract qualified traffic.
Adding on the website
Once the testing is done, next we add the keywords according to their importance. That is for better crawling and ranking we focused to add the primary keyword on meta tags, title tags, or even at the heading tags. Similar the other keywords are also added to the specific parts of the website. You can check improvement accordingly but remember visibility doesn’t happen overnight. For checking the proper functioning of these keywords we use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Frequently adding such focused keywords on websites and blogs will eventually increase the search engine ranking and also drive more potential traffic to the website.
So, want to rank your website for the right keyword?
Feel free to contact our full-fledged and well-reputed team and more about how we can help your business thrive.